Paintings and sculptures on this website


Do you wish to learn to paint yourself?
I teach different evening classes (AOF Rødovre, AOF Metropol, LOF Søllerød, HOF København), both oil- and acrylic painting and watercolour. Call me if you are interested in where and when I teach.

Art for the office / workspace

Please contact me for further information:

 Mobil:+45 3025-3912   vladimirvoronin@hotmail.com

(Opgaver, produktion sker i regi af Kunstnernes Kooperative ApS, kunstnernes eget selskab:Kunstnernes Kooperative ApS  ·  Kongensgade 60 - 1  ·  5000 Odense C  ·  post@kkaps.dk  · tlf. 66 17 97 58 )